A fresh graduate in Mass Communication
While earning your daily bread, be sure to share a slice with those less

Road To Feeding 1,000 Homeless

I started off this journey of feeding at least 1,000 homeless people back in the year 2015. I have been doing this on a monthly basis whereby I walk around the streets of Kuala Lumpur with bags packed with food and drinks (sometimes clothes) and give out to the homeless people that i come across. I have fed about 800 homeless people up to 2018. In the year 2019, i had to put this project on hold as I had to do a surgery on my leg which forced to me to just focus on my recovery throughout the year 2019. This project of feeding a thousand homeless will be continued this year once the pandemic is over.

On 16 March, the total confirmed cases had increased to over 553 cases and later that evening, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin held a live nationwide telecast to inform the decision of the federal government to implement the Movement Control Order. The pandemic had let many people to lose their job which resulted to them not having an income to get their basic necessities such as food. In order to help those in need, i started a fundraiser on my social media platforms. The initial plan was to help out one orphanage but with response i got from all the kind people, managed to help out two orphanages. One is an orphanage from Klang who contacted me personally and told that they were struglling to make ends meet and the other one is an orphanage in Puchong whereby it was established to help indigenous people children by providing them opportunity of education.

As we all know the criminalisation, arrests and detention of migrants and refugees has long been a critical issue in Malaysia but we have to realise that at the end of the day they are humans too and all they want is a place to call home. With the raised funds, managed to feed 20 refugee families which consisted 96 family members who are from various countries such as Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Myanmar. I collaborated this project with Kakak Services and Health Equity Initiatives since they both were the ones in contact with the refugees.

#EFridgeForTheLessFortunate is a project which I got inspired by other countries whereby they set up like a public fridge where if one is hungry, they can come and grab the food that is available in the fridge for free and if someone has more than enough, they can drop it in the fridge. I set this up in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Although it had good reception by the tourist in the are but it was something really new for the locals. Few days after when I went back to check the public fridge I placed, it was no longer there. When I asked around the people, they told me that the authorities around the area have taken it away due to not having proper paperwork. My goal is to have this all over the city of Kuala Lumpur someday in the future.